First Name List: Begins with A

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All first names beginning with A, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Aaron (19)
2. Abby (1)
3. Abel (5)
4. Abiah (1)
5. Abigail (4)
6. Abigal (1)
7. Abigil (1)
8. Abijah (1)
9. Abijam (1)
10. Abner (1)
11. Abra (1)
12. Abraham (73)
13. Abram (1)
14. Absalom (1)
15. Absolom (1)
16. Ada (173)
17. Adah (1)
18. Adalaide (2)
19. Adalena (1)
20. Adam (15)
21. Adan[sic] (1)
22. Adelaide (13)
   23. Adeliade (1)
24. Adeline (1)
25. Ado (1)
26. Adolphus (3)
27. Adrian (1)
28. Adriel (1)
29. Ady (1)
30. Agatha (2)
31. Agnes (134)
32. Agness (1)
33. Agostino (1)
34. Aida (1)
35. Aileen (1)
36. Aime (1)
37. Alan (3)
38. Albert (386)
39. Alberta (2)
40. Albertina (3)
41. Albin (1)
42. Albrow (1)
43. Alda (1)
44. Aleashea (1)
   45. Alec (1)
46. Alethea (4)
47. Alexander (39)
48. Alexendrina (1)
49. Alfie (1)
50. Alfonso (1)
51. Alfred (550)
52. Alfreda (1)
53. Algernon (2)
54. Alice (605)
55. Alicia (1)
56. Alick (1)
57. Alitha (1)
58. Allan (10)
59. Allen (5)
60. Allenby (1)
61. Alles (1)
62. Allice (2)
63. Alma (12)
64. Alpheus (1)
65. Althea (1)
66. Alvina (1)
   67. Amariah (1)
68. Ambrose (17)
69. Amelia (124)
70. Amey (29)
71. Amos (23)
72. Amy (84)
73. Ana (1)
74. Anastasia (1)
75. Ancient (1)
76. Andrew (26)
77. Ane (1)
78. Angela (1)
79. Angelina (4)
80. Anice (1)
81. Ann (1587)
82. Anna (52)
83. Annabel (1)
84. Anne (236)
85. Annette (2)
86. Annie (583)
87. Anthony (19)
88. Arabella (7)
   89. Arbuthnott (1)
90. Archibald (22)
91. Archie (2)
92. Arlene (1)
93. Arnold (3)
94. Arthur (394)
95. Arthurjesse (1)
96. Asher (2)
97. Ashley (1)
98. Ashton (1)
99. Athaliah (1)
100. Audrey (1)
101. August (1)
102. Augusta (12)
103. Auguste (1)
104. Augustine (1)
105. Augustus (12)
106. Austin (7)
107. Avery (1)
108. Avice (1)
109. Azor (1)
110. Azubah (2)